Sunday, October 31, 2010

the best BMX flatland video ever

Tim Knoll pretty much owns flatland BMX these days. He's inventing more tricks everyday... 
Take heed [insert Gen Y marketing company here], he could really sell the crap outta your [whatever]

<p>Tim Knoll BMX from tim knoll on Vimeo.</p>

via TCH

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

playstation phone gets released

If you just had a minor tech stroke and need more information immediately... Read more at Engadget

things that keep us grounded

This looks much nicer on the original poster here

via @Chris_Naylor in a response to this great blog post by @SandySieger

that robot is reading your tweets

Ever wanted a small robotic bear to read your twitter account aloud?
Here he is!

Robot bear reads your Twitter messages aloud while you work

Watch him read someone's tweets in Japanese here
Found via @sue_perry69

Monday, October 25, 2010

create your own projeqt

Ever wanted to tell a story?
Tend to get upset that your graphic designer mates have a cool online folio / ebook / storyboard to back up their new idea, but you wouldn't know where to start?

Well now you do.

found via @jymmysim

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

local natives live in your backyard

For those of you lucky enough to be friends with anyone even remotely talented, you will understand the implicit pleasure and pain of being close to them as they create.

Pleasure for being so close to something beautiful as it's born into the world.
And at times, pain for the deeply shameful feeling we get when realising we're a bit jealous of their talent.

Now put yourself in the shoes of the crew sitting at Local Native's feet and times that by a million.
This is utterly magical viewing.

luke perry & friends

the greatest animated gif compilation of all time

Anyone can make an animated gif.
And (given the time and appropriate level of OCD) just about anyone could make a compilation of animated gifs.

But not every gif goes viral and very few compilation videos have been carefully planned out to this extent.

Creating an amusing gif mixtape? WIN
Creating a killer gif mixtape in sync with GirlTalk's killer mixtape? +1

found via Catching Zebra

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Congratulations JR: 2011 TED Prize Winner

For those of you wonderful people who only check our blog for happy things, please stick with this (at times) confronting video by French artist JR.
He has just been announced as the Winner of the highly prestigious TED Prize Winner for 2010, and after watching a video about his work, I'm sure you can see why.

TED Prize Director Amy Novogratz describes him this way: “JR’s mind-blowing creations have inspired people to see art where they wouldn’t expect it and create it when they didn’t know they could”



read the full story on the website that literally changed the course of my life - TED.Com

typographical furniture

Just while I'm in a particularly furniture loving mood right now, another post about some super cool and creative pieces to spice up your home or office.

Each one of these puppies is entirely customisable and come with a clever, built-in cabinet... More than just a pretty typeface.
Design your own, or just write your name in cupboards like we did here

found via @Minervity

fun furniture by jellio

These guys make me want to do an Interior Design degree just so I can justify eating more lollies as "product testing".

Gummy Bear Chandelier, anyone?
Or maybe you're in the market for something a little creamier?

Not hungry? How about a game of musical chairs around your new musical table? 
Or one of these other super colourful blasts from the past?

Check out the whole range at Jellio

banksy hijacks the cool hunter

I think we can be pretty sure this is not the last we hear of a Banksy / TCH Collaboration Hijacking

claire de lune: musical animation

Monday, October 18, 2010

extreme pen spinning

lamborghini tractors

When I grow up, I'm getting one of these.

Check out the whole sexy range at Lamborghini Tractors Dot Com
Or you could just man up and get a real one here

Sunday, October 17, 2010

improv everywhere

The MP3 Experiment #7


found via Content Kids

this is dare... are you?

Often, those of us who are very good at selling things are actually very bad at selling ourselves.

Much like the plumber who uses an outhouse at home or the carpenter living in the only half-finished house on the block, ad agencies are oft-maligned for their lackadaisical websites or their characteristically removed approach to recruitment.

Here is a lovely exception. I would be stoked to work here, even though I've only just heard of them. 
They dared to give me a reason to care.


Time for a bit of shameless self-promotion.
Over the weekend I put together the first draft of my personal site, just so I had something sitting on the domain.

It's a long way from where I'd like it to be, but it's still pleasing to see your work come to life.

kanye west's banned album cover

Banned in the USA!!! They tried to play me fam! They don't want me chilling on the couch with my phoenix!

Banned in the USA!!! They tried to play me fam! They don't want me chilling on the couch with my phoenix!
 - Kanye West

If you're laughing now... Check out the comments on the page where he posted this. My personal favourite so far?

haters gonna hate

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

get it done with sticky screen

If you're like most people these days, you spend the majority of your working day behind a computer screen. And more than likely, it's covered in little notes to keep yourself amused / interested / focused / etc

Mac users have long been blessed with a great little app called 'Stickies' which is essentially a digital version of these for your desktop, but one of the world's leading young bloggers Jack Cheng has put together a cool little version for anyone to use anytime, for free. 

It's called and it's the simplest thing in the world.
Just enter your reminder message on the sticky note, save it as your home page and then everytime you open a new window, you've got a bright yellow reminder pointing you in the right direction.

But as Jack says in his full explanation of the side project, remember to change it at least once a week... Just like real sticky notes, if you look at them too long, the message gets stale and we stop paying attention.

What sticky notes do you use to keep yourself motivated? Here are some I use every day...

Do you have an even better method?
Leave a comment and let us know!

let's get married at macca's

McDonald's wedding

As someone who is about to partake in the traditional exchange of vows, I must say this is both sickening and super awesome.

Sickening: Because it's sickening.
Super awesome: Because if you've ever planned a wedding, you know how many times you say to yourself under your breath, "there has to be an easier McWay to get McMarried"


Well now you know. Simply head to your nearest (Hong Kong) McDonalds, grab the nearest balloon-dress maker and as quick as you can say 'Have A Nice Day', you're stuck eating the same happy meal for the rest of your life. Hooray!


If you haven't already lost your lunch... Read the full story here

look at these star wars pictures, you must

To mark the 30th anniversary release of George Lucas epic Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, author JW Rinzler has released a coffee table book packed full of never before seen, behind the scenes photographs chronicling the film's production. 

Here are just a few of my favourites, the rest can be viewed on the Vanity Fair website.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

you are the best thing that's ever been mine

spike jonze presents: i'm here soundtrack

If you haven't yet been privileged enough to enjoy Spike Jonze short film online, click here immediately.

I'm Here is one of the most engaging and beautifully moving pieces of online branded content released to date and, in true Jonze style, has set the standard for others to follow in an entirely new genre of filmmaking.

Anyways, that's old news.
The soundtrack gets released soon and it is AT LEAST as good as the film.

Monday, October 11, 2010

VIDEO: the best tv interviews



Here are some of my personal favourites from a great blog post by Luke Ryan @ The Vine

VIDEO: the best tv interviews



Here are some of my personal favourites from a great blog post by Luke Ryan @ The Vine

Thursday, October 7, 2010

VIDEO: how to be alone

via Ainsley, who makes life worth living

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 the bizarre bazaar

Have you ever wanted to have your face made into an Avatar na'vi character?
How about just getting some advice on how to apply your makeup from someone with a degree in applied foundation? combines all the best elements of, Trading Post and every day dares to bring you just about anything you can imagine for just five dollars. And with the Aussie dollar kicking arse against the Greenback right now, you'd be crazy to get your Batman character drawn anywhere else!

You can even get one of the volunteers from the Commonwealth Games in Delhi to take some personalised pictures of the roof caving in. 


A squash court in Delhi. Spectacular!

So grab some spare change and check it out. You could have this chick be your girlfriend for a whole week!


Or, if you're really game, add your own product or service to this bizarre bazaar.
Who knows, you could be getting paid like this guy... Smokin' hot!

found via @Sammartino

crap logo

The site that is sure to amuse for around twelve seconds, unless you write a blog about it... Make it thirty eight seconds.
Get your own crap logo here

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the circle of life

via @Reddit

awkward family photos

We cannot escape our heritage, no matter how hard we try.

So why fight it?
Instead, enjoy a website dedicated to celebrating the worst moments family moments ever captured.

via @NikHowe

gigantic human smiley face

500 people from all around the world got together in Orlando last week to celebrate World Smile Day.
This is EXACTLY what I needed to see today, so thanks guys.

Monday, October 4, 2010

writing about autumn... on fallen leaves

Michael Swanwick is a cool guy.
He writes great books, thinks about cool stuff and even writes on leaves.

In 2008, he wrote an entire book about Autumn by writing one word on a leaf, photographing it and leaving it for someone else to find later.

You can read the whole book on Flickr here

guy sebastian fail

Sunday, October 3, 2010

wooden toy mag: issue 7

Fans of design magazines and all round crazy people will probably already be aware of Timba Smits and his extraordinary work of art: Wooden Toy Magazine.

Well Issue 7 just dropped and it's even better than all the rest.
Here are some rad photos of him putting it together (note the look of concentration, even after ONE MILLION HOURS spent pouring over the details)

check out more examples of Mr Smits obsession at the Wooden Toy Mag website here